XXIII National Conference on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems

in collaboration with Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca and with the French Embassy in Italy

June 20th - 22nd 2018
Conference Center - Aule delle Scienze, University of Parma - Campus

Dear friends,

The XXIII National Conference on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems will be held from June 20th to June 22nd 2018 at the Conference Center - Aule delle Scienze Building in the University Campus of Parma.

This year the conference will be organized in collaboration with Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca and it will be an opportunity for PhD students and young researchers in Statistical Physics to show their works, during a dedicated session.

In particular, on June 21st, the session ”Recent developments in theoretical neuroscience: temporal networks and response to noise” will be organized in collaboration with the French Embassy in Italy (Bando Cassini 2017), to encourage collaboration between young Italian and French researchers. We welcome oral and poster contributions from the participants as well as contributions to the special session dedicated to young researchers.

There is no registration fee, but for organization purposes we kindly ask you to send as soon as possible an e-mail to stat@fis.unipr.it with the registration form, shown on this conference website.
In case you are interested in presenting a contribution, please fill the second part of the registration form and submit it to stat@fis.unipr.it before May 31st 2018. For further information about the conference and the city of Parma, please contact stat@fis.unipr.it

We look forward to meeting you in Parma!

The Organizing Committee


Scientific Committee

  • Raffaella Burioni - Università di Parma
  • Guido Caldarelli - Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca
  • Davide Cassi - Università di Parma
  • Roberto Livi - Università di Firenze

Organizing Committee

  • Elena Bertolotti - Università di Parma
  • Alessandro Vezzani - CNR-IMEM Parma
  • Sandro Wimberger - Università di Parma

Young researchers day

  • Giulio Cimini - Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca

Scientific Secretariat

  • Victor Buendia Ruiz-Azuaga - Università di Parma e Universidad de Granada
  • Michele Tizzani - Università di Parma


There is no registration fee, but for organization purposes we kindly ask you to register May, 31st 2018 .
Send an e-mail to stat@fis.unipr.it including the informations required in the form below.
Please do not send us your registration form in pdf, doc, docx, rtf, html format. Just insert the required information in the body of the email, in plain text. Latex formulas are allowed in the title and abstract of your presentation.

First name:
I will participate in the social dinner, on Thursday, June 21th 2018: yes [ ] no [ ]
I'd like to contribute an oral/poster presentation 
(please include the title and abstract for your contribution): 
oral [ ] young researchers session [ ] poster [ ]


Name Affiliation E-mail address
1.Albertini Davide Università di Parma davide.albertini2@studenti.unipr.it
2.Amato Giulio Freiburg University giulio.amato@physik.uni-freiburg.de
3.Artuso Roberto INFN - Milano roberto.artuso@uninsubria.it
4.Baiesi Marco Università di Padova baiesi@pd.infn.it
5.Baldovin Marco Università di Roma la Sapienza baldovin.m@gmail.com
6.Bertolotti Elena Università di Parma elena.bertolotti1@fis.unipr.it
7.Bi Hongjie Université de Cergy-Pontoise - France hongjiebi@gmail.com
8.Bianchi Alessandra Università di Padova bianchi@math.unipd.it
9.Bonini Luca Università di Parma luca.bonini@unipr.it
10.Borgonovi Fausto Università Cattolica di Brescia fausto.borgonovi@unicatt.it
11.Budinich Marco Università di Trieste & INFN mbh@ts.infn.it
12.Buendia Ruiz-Azuaga Victor Università di Parma & Universidad de Granada victor.buendiaruizazuaga@studenti.unipr.it
13.Burioni Raffaella Università di Parma raffaella.burioni@fis.unipr.it
14.Caldarelli Guido Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca guido.caldarelli@imtlucca.it
15.Caprini Lorenzo Gran Sasso Science Institute lorenzo.caprini@gssi.it
16.Casartelli Mario Università di Parma mario.casartelli@fis.unipr.it
17.Caselle Michele Università di Torino caselle@to.infn.it
18.Cassi Davide Università di Parma davide.cassi@fis.unipr.it
19.Cescatti Fabiana Università di Parma fabiana.cescatti@studenti.unipr.it
20.Cicuta Giovanni Università di Parma giovanni.cicuta@fis.unipr.it
21.Cimini Giulio Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca giulio.cimini@imtlucca.it
22.Clawson Wesley INS - Aix-Marseille University wesley.p.clawson@gmail.com
23.Codello Alessandro SISSA - Trieste codello@sissa.it
24.Colcelli Andrea SISSA Trieste acolcelli@sissa.it
25.Colombo Alessandro Università degli Studi di Milano alessandro.colombo6@unimi.it
26.Corberi Federico Università degli Studi di Salerno corberi@sa.infn.it
27.Crisanti Andrea Università di Roma la Sapienza andrea.crisanti@phys.uniroma1.it
28.Cristadoro Giampaolo Università di Milano-Bicocca giampaolo.cristadoro@unimib.it
29.Dall'Asta Luca Politecnico di Torino luca.dallasta@polito.it
30.De Domenico Manlio Fondazione Bruno Kessler mdedomenico@fbk.eu
31.De Santis Francesco Università di Roma la Sapienzafrancesco.desantis@roma1.infn.it
32.Di Cintio Pierfrancesco CNR-IFAC & INFN - Firenze pdicintio@gmail.com
33.Di Santo Serena Università di Parma & Universidad de Granada serenadisanto@correo.ugr.es
34.Di Volo Matteo UNIC CNRS France m.divolo@hotmail.com
35.Emiliano Marchese Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca
36.Faccioli Marco Università di Padova marco.faccioli@studenti.unipd.it
37.Filiberti Zeno Università dell'Insubria z.filiberti@gmail.com
38.Fiorentino Jonathan Università di Roma la Sapienza jonathan.fiorentino@uniroma1.it
39.Furlan Mattia Università di Torino mattia.furlan@to.infn.it
40.Gabrielli Andrea CNR-ISC Roma andrea.gabrielli@roma1.infn.it
41.Galli Davide Emilio Università degli Studi di Milano Davide.Galli@unimi.it
42.Ghavasieh Arsham Fondazione Bruno Kessler arsham.ghavasieh@yahoo.com
43.Gherardi Marco Università di Milano marco.gherardi@unimi.it
44.Giorda Paolo Università di Pavia magpaolo16@gmail.com
45.Giuliano Rosa Università della Calabria rosa.giuliano@unical.it
46.Gradenigo Giacomo CNR-NANOTEC - Roma ggradenigo@gmail.com
47.Köksal Ersöz Elif INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerrané elif.koksal@inria.fr
48.Kropf Chahan INFN - Pavia chahan.kropf@pv.infn.it
49.Leuzzi Luca CNR-NANOTEC luca.leuzzi@cnr.it
50.Livi Roberto Università di Firenze livi@fi.infn.it
51.Mambretti Francesco Università degli Studi di Milano francesco.mambretti@unimi.it
52.Mancastroppa Marco Università di Parma marco.mancastroppa@studenti.unipr.it
53.Mannella Riccardo Università di Pisa riccardo.mannella@unipi.it
54.Marinari Enzo Università di Roma la Sapienza enzo.marinari@roma1.infn.it
55.Mastrandrea Rossana Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca rossmastrandrea@gmail.com
56.Matteo SerafinoScuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca
57.Mazzolini Andrea ICTP Trieste andrea.mazzolini.90@gmail.com
58.Mirko Hu Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca
59.Molinelli Simone Università di Milano
60.Montepietra Daniele Università di Parma daniele.montepietra@studenti.unipr.it
61.Muñoz Miguel Angel Universidad de Granada & Università di Parma mamunoz@onsager.ugr.es
62.Nghiem Trang-Anh European Institute of Theoretical Neuroscience - Paris tranganh.nghiem@gmail.com
63.Onofri Manuele Università dell'Insubria m.onofri@hotmail.com
64.Osella Matteo Università di Torino mosella@to.infn.it
65.Paris Matteo Università di Milano matteo.paris@unimi.it
66.Petiziol Francesco Università di Parma francesco.petiziol@studenti.unipr.it
67.Petri Alberto CNR-ISC Roma alberto.petri@isc.cnr.it
68.Polettini Matteo University of Luxembourg matteo.polettini@uni.lu
69.Preto Lucrezia Università di Parma lucrezia.preto@studenti.unipr.it
70.Pretti Marco ISC Torino
71.Radice Mattia Università dell'Insubria mradice@hotmail.it
72.Rapisardi Giacomo Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca giacomo.rapi@gmail.com
73.Rosay Sophie ICTP - Trieste sophie.rosay@gmail.com
74.Roy Anjan ICTP - Trieste anjanroyal@gmail.com
75.Ruffo Stefano SISSA - Trieste ruffo@sissa.it
76.Salasnich Luca Università di Padova luca.salasnich@unipd.it
77.Sireci Matteo LMU - Munich matteo.sireci@physik.uni-muenchen.de
78.Squartini Tiziano Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca tiziano.squartini@imtlucca.it
79.Stucchi Marco Università di Parma marco.stucchi@studenti.unipr.it
80.Suweis Samir Università di Padova suweis@pd.infn.it
81.Tizzani Michele Università di Parma michele.tizzani@studenti.unipr.it
82.Torta Pietro Università degli Studi di Milano pietro.93@icloud.com
83.Trasarti Battistoni Roberto robtb2005@libero.it
84.Vezzani Alessandro CNR-IMEM Parma alessandro.vezzani@fis.unipr.it
85.Villegas Pablo Universidad de Granada pvillegas@ugr.es
86.Wagner Alexander Ruprecht-Karls Universität - Heidelberg alexander.wagner@stud.uni-heidelberg.de
87.Wimberger Sandro Università di Parma sandromarcel.wimberger@unipr.it
88.Zamparo Marco Politectico di Torino marco.zamparo@polito.it


Wednesday, June 20th 2018

9:30 - 10:00 check in
10:00 - 10:30Matteo Paris - Università di Milano
An all-optical quantum simulator for the dynamics of open quantum systems image
10:30 - 11:00Paolo Giorda - Università di Pavia
Coherence and quantum estimation image
11:00 - 11:30 coffee break
11:30 - 12:00Alessandro Codello - SISSA - Trieste
Universality in the epsilon-expansion image
12:00 - 12:30Matteo Polettini - University of Luxembourg
Effective thermodynamics for a marginal observer image
12:30 - 13:00Matteo Osella - Università di Torino
Statistics of shared components in complex component systems image
13:00 - 14:30 lunch break
14:30 - 15:00Marco Budinich - Università di Trieste & INFN
The SATisfiability problem in spinorial form image
15:00 - 15:30Giacomo Gradenigo - CNR-NANOTEC - Roma
Glassy behaviour of light: insights from numerical simulations on realistic complex networks image
15:30 - 16:00Andrea Gabrielli - CNR-ISC Roma
Statistical physics approach to unfold the innovation system for the development of countries: co-evolution of Science, Technology and Production image
16:00 - 16:30 coffee break
16:30 - 17:00Marco Zamparo - Politecnico di Torino
On the Mean Residence Time in Stochastic Lattice-Gas Models image
17:00 - 17:30Alessandra Bianchi - Università di Padova
Random walk in a non-integrable random scenery time image

Thursday, June 21st 2018 - CASSINI SESSION

9:30 - 10:10Miguel Angel Muñoz - Universidad de Granada
Landau–Ginzburg theory of cortex dynamics image
10:10 - 10:35Trang-Anh Nghiem - European Institute of Theoretical Neuroscience - Paris
Spectral structure of human brain activity: an analogy with thermodynamics image
10:35 - 11:00Elif Köksal Ersöz - INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée
Anticipation via canards in excitable systems image
11:00 - 11:45 coffee break and poster session
11:45 - 12:15Matteo di Volo - UNIC CNRS France
Collective dynamics in cortical networks: from asynchronous irregular to oscillations image
12:15 - 12:40Hongjie Bi - Université de Cergy-Pontoise - France
Coexistence of oscillatory states in balanced spiking inhibitory networks image
12:40 - 13:05Wesley Clawson - INS Aix-Marseille University
Switching States of Neuronal Networks in the Brain image
13:05 - 14:30 lunch break
14:30 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:30Tiziano Squartini - Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca
Entropy-based approach to missing-links prediction image
15:30 - 16:00Pierfrancesco Di Cintio - CNR-IFAC & INFN - Firenze
N-body chaos and the continuum limit in numerical simulations, revisited image
16:00 - 16:45 coffee break and poster session
16:45 - 17:15Alberto Petri - CNR-ISC Roma
Hydro vs micro-dynamics of a column shaken beads image
17:15 - 18:30 discussion
20:00 social dinner at "Trattoria Antichi Sapori" - Gaione.

Friday, June 22nd 2018 - young reasearchers day

9:30 - 9:50Andrea Mazzolini - ICTP, Trieste
Zipf and Heaps laws from dependency structures in component systems image
9:50 - 10:10Marco Baldovin - Sapienza Università di Roma
Langevin equation in systems with also negative temperatures image
10:10 - 10:30Mattia Radice - Università dell’Insubria
A persistent random walk on an averaged environment for the Lévy-Lorentz gas image
10:30 - 10:50Alessandro Colombo - Università degli Studi di Milano
Miming the Memes for Imaging the Unimagined image
10:50 - 11:20 coffee break
11:20 - 11:40Marco Faccioli - Università di Padova
Gaussian fluctuations in quantum phase transitions image
11:40 - 12:00Francesco Mambretti - Università degli Studi di Milano
Energy-landscape driven crystallization slowdown in supercooled liquid mixtures image
12:00 - 12:20Chahan Kropf - INFN, Pavia
Optimal exciton current in one-dimensional chains image
12:20 - 12:40Rosa Giuliano - Università della Calabria
Persistent current and zero-energy Majorana modes in a p-wave disordered superconducting ring image
12:40 - 13:00Andrea Colcelli - SISSA, Trieste
Deviations from Off-Diagonal Long-Range Order and Mesoscopic Condensation in One-Dimensional Quantum Systems image
13:00 - 14:30 lunch break
14:30 - 14:50Zeno Filiberti - Università degli studi dell'Insubria
A statistical approach to thermo-osmosis image
14:50 - 15:10Lorenzo Caprini - Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)
Activity induced delocalization and freezing in self-propelled systems image
15:10 - 15:30Francesco De Santis - Sapienza Università di Roma
Computation of the Zero Temperature RSB order parameter in Bethe Lattice Spin Glasses image
15:30 - 15:50Giacomo Rapisardi - Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca
Multiple structural transitions in interacting networks image
15:50 - 16:10Jonathan Fiorentino - Sapienza Università di Roma
Statistics of optimal information flow in ensembles of regulatory motifs image

Poster Session - Thursday

Giulio Amato - Freiburg University
Quantum transport with cold atoms image
Marco Baiesi - Università di Padova
Response to noise variations in stochastic systems image
Victor Buendia Ruiz-Azuaga - Università di Parma e Universidad de Granada
Limited role of spatial self-structuring in emergent trade-offs during pathogen evolution image
Davide Emilio Galli - Università degli Studi di Milano
Quantum Critical Behavior of One-Dimensional Soft Bosons in the Continuum image
Manuele Onofri - Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
Simulations on a persistent random walk on an averaged environment for the Lévy-Lorentz gas image
Francesco Petiziol - Università di Parma
Structure of counterdiabatic fields and approximate counterdiabatic driving image
Marco Pretti - ISC-CNR, Torino
Dynamical transition in the TASEP with Langmuir kinetics: mean-field theory image
Anjan Roy - Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
Bacterial populations with growth heterogeneity image
Michele Tizzani - Università di Parma
Epidemics Spreading on temporal networks with memory effects image
Pablo Villegas - Universidad de Granada
Landau Ginzburg theory of cortex dynamics: Scale-free avalanches emerge at the edge of synchronization image
Alexander Wagner - Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg
Topological effects in quantum walks of a BEC image


The conference will take place in the Conference center in the "Aule delle Scienze" Building (Pad. 25, also called "Plesso o Polo "Q02"), number   23    in the figure on the right. The Building "Aule delle Scienze" is the first structure that can be seen when you are entering the University Campus from Viale G.P. Usberti, immediately after the main gate.

The Physics Building   16   of the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences is netx to "Aule delle Scienze", behind the second BUS stop inside the Campus.

How to get there

  • By Bus (from the railway station of Parma):
    From the Parma station, take bus N. 21 (20 min trip) N. 7 (25 min trip). The destination is (see above the front windshield of buses) UNIVERSITÀ SUD. Be careful not to take the wrong direction. Each line has a frequency of about 7 min, between 7:00 and 19:45, less frequent in August and September.
    All buses enter and exit the Campus through the main gate (viale G.P. Usberti). The nearest stop to the Conference Center is the first one, immediately after the Campus gate and the shopping center, but you can get off also at the second stop after the gate, in front of the Physics Building.
    Bus timetables from station to Campus available here. Urban tickets can be purchased at ticket offices and in shops (cafés, tobacco shops, newsstands, etc) displaying the relevant sign. For an extra charge and with the exact change, it is also possible to buy the ticket on the bus.
    Below you can find the timetables for the buses leaving from Campus (transport service operates 6:30 AM through 8:00 PM) More bus timetables and routes can be found on Parma's public transport website (in Italian only, sorry about that!).
  • Automobile
    Coming from Milan (A1 motorway) - exit at 'Parma Ovest', take the Via Emilia Ovest, then turn right onto Tangenziale Sud and follow the direction: Campus/Langhirano.
    Coming from Bologna or from Verona (A1 motorway): - take 'Parma Nord' exit, turn right onto Tangenziale Nord, then follow the indications to La Spezia/Campus/Langhirano. From Tangenziale take exit n. 15 (Langhirano/Campus). This exit leads to a large round-about, take its first exit, marked “Campus”. Go straight on, across a small round-about, and enter the University gate.
  • By Train
    Parma is connected to the rest of Italy, France, Austria, Germany and Switzerland by high speed trains. For timetable and ticket purchase see http://www.trenitalia.com and https://www.italotreno.it.
  • By Air
    The airport in Parma is about 10 Km from Campus. It is linked to the railway station, the main hotels of Parma and downtown by the Aerobus, a bus service that offers a run for each departure or arrival flight. Parma can be reached from the following airports: Bologna (BLQ), Milano Linate (LIN), Milano Malpensa (MXP) e Bergamo Orio al Serio (BGY).

Where to eat

In our Campus you can find two University Cafeteria (Mensa) are present, which are freely accessible (number   2    and   5    on the above map). Near both Cafeteria there are two Cafes with quick lunches.
Moreover, immediately outside the gates of the Campus (gate viale G.P. Usberti) there is a shopping center, with a Cafe and a bakery. Other restaurants can be found within 5 min walk, near the Cinema.


  • Special Hotel Rates. The hotels listed below offer a special rate to academics visiting the University of Parma or taking part in a conference: Button, Savoy, Stendhal, Torino, Toscanini (click on the name of the hotel to be redirected to the relevant webpage). Participants in the conference are kindly requested to make a reservation directly with the hotel of their choice.
  • More Hotels in Parma. Click here to open an online booking website.

Get in touch